Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds
6th September 2017
If you're a big lover of history, especially for the likes of arms and armoury, then you will love the Royal Armouries museum in Leeds; with collections dating back to the Middle Ages.
The Royal Armouries are heir to one of the oldest purpose-built visitor attractions in the country, and their museums are considered to be some of the most important museum, of it's type, in the world. Displays at the Royal Armouries were attracting visitors as early as the 16th century; during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (we told you they were old!).
Visitors to the Royal Armouries in Leeds get to explore six themed galleries, which take you through arms and armour from around the world, and throughout time!
Whilst exploring the galleries and displays, you can learn about each of the display items, and what they would have been used for, as well as having the opportunity to be involved in some of our enjoyable and entertaining daily talks with the experts!
This weekend holds the National Heritage Open Days at the Royal Armouries in Leeds, so if you do decide to pay a visit this weekend, you could have the rare priviledge of taking a behind-the-scenes tour of the museum; discovering some of it's hidden gems of the restricted stores with some of the museum's expert curators.
Tours are held throughout the Saturday only, at the following times:
11am - 12:30pm
1pm - 2:30pm
3pm - 4:30pm
These tours are very exclusive, with only 8 places per tour available, so if you want a chance to get behind the scenes book your place today! For full details about the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds, please visit